My reviews

The word review means ‘view again’. It often bothers me that I read a book only once before judging it. Of course, I can get away with saying that the noun 'review' means critical assessment of a book. Whatever the meaning, I am answerable to the author and the readers.
“It’s good”. She chirps the last bit as if that were all to say about a book. It’s good or it’s bad, I liked it or I didn’t. No discussions of the writing, the themes, the nuances, the structure. Just good or bad – like a hot dog. ~ Gillian Flynn
So, I thought of a few points I should keep in mind when I review books.

1. I should read the book carefully. 
2. If the subject is totally new to me, I should do some background reading.
3. If my review is negative, I should admit that it could be because of a lack of understanding.
4. I should respect the effort that the author has taken to research the background, assimilate data, formulate theories, and reach conclusions.
5. I should acknowledge my personal and professional limitations—prejudices, preferences, self-interest etc.
6. I should be circumspect about why I chose the book.
  • Is it because it is the current favourite?
  • Is it because I have a genuine interest in the subject or the author?
  • If I am paid to do it, I should think about why I was chosen: Am I perceived to have enough knowledge to review the book? Is it because of any known bias or lack of it that I was chosen?
  • Do I have any special reason (self-interest) for praising or criticizing the book or its author?
7. I should understand the intention of the author and how he or she has tried to achieve it. My review should be based on this and other factors, such as language, logical structure, the flow of the content, and resources and references used.
8. If I am unable to finish reading it, I should clearly state that and the reason for it. 
9. I should consider myself morally responsible for my review. 

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