Sunday, April 26, 2020

The 50-Year Secret

Synopsis: Julie MacNeil is 6’4”, and although she is neither a WNBA athlete nor a famous model, she has a remarkable story to tell. As an adopted child, she always wondered about the parents who gave her up. After overcoming a challenging childhood and surviving two tumultuous marriages, a chance DNA test revealed an incredibly rare and life-threatening liver-lung disease. Julie then embarked on a difficult journey to find her birth family. Her goal was to warn them about the disease, which is highly genetic and often undiagnosed. What followed was a miraculous sequence of events and a remarkable homecoming.

My thoughts: Quite an entertaining book despite the two extremely serious issues (adoption and Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency) it discusses. MacNeil is quite frank about her life. She writes about the struggles she has had growing up, with easy humour.
MacNeil has a great attitude in handling her illness—Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency causes progressive liver and lung damage. She also has the tenacity to find her birth family to warn them about its implications.
She is honest, positive, and faces all challenges with fortitude. This comes across clearly in the book. Overall, an insightful, enjoyable must-read book.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from BookSirens in exchange for an honest review.

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