Have you ever wondered if God has a destiny for you?
He does.
For the longest time, Elizabeth Bristol ran from God—until, out of desperation, she caved. She found out she not only needed God but wanted Him. In what came as a total shock, she found peace, purpose, and incredible healing.
She can’t not share because in this crazy world, who couldn’t use a little more of all that?
There are stories in this book she wasn’t going to tell. Why did she? She had to share her indiscretions in order for people to see the power of redemption.
But the coolest thing about this book isn’t the miraculous story God made out of Elizabeth’s life; it’s that He wants to do the same for everyone else.
When you walk in your destiny, nothing can stop you from influencing your world.
How do you do that? Let this book show you.
This memoir covers Bristol’s adventures as she unknowingly (at first) travels on the path to God. Her journey across continents, with fellow travelers, similar and different from her, is quite entertaining.
As Bristol’s nomadic life progresses in Africa, she begins to hear God speaking in the form of timely warnings that save her life many times. When she returns to the USA, she continues quite aimlessly although by then she wants to find God.
I like the honest, funny, and authentic way Bristol has presented her experiences. Unlike many Christian books or other books that share spiritual experiences, this book does not patronize or try to lead you to God, subtly or otherwise.
This book has it all—her trials, errors, triumphs, and failures, almost literally mixed with her blood, sweat, and tears. It is what she went through, it is what she learned. You can just read and enjoy or if you wish, take away some life lessons and profound truths from it.
Note: I received a free copy of the book from BookSirens and have reviewed it voluntarily.
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